Language: فارسی English
  Wednesday, 12 March 2025  | Email

Facilities Planning: Facility Location and Layout


Mahdi Bashiri, PhD Seyed Abbas Hosseinijou, PhD Seyed Javad Hosseininezhad, PhD
Associate Professor in Industrial Engineering Assistant Professor in Industrial Engineering Assistant Professor in Industrial Engineering
Shahed UniversityGolestan UniversityK. N. Toosi University of Technology

This book considers the facility location and layout problems and focuses on the location problems but provides the layout problems which are mixed with the location problems, separately. The book especially is written for facilities planning course in M.Sc of industrial engineering. Also it could be applied for the plant layout course in B.Sc of industrial engineering and the production and operations management course and plant management course in B.Sc of industrial management.

Section 1:
1. The median location problems (single facility)
2. The median location problems (multiple facilities)
3. The center location problems (Preliminary)
4. The center location problems (Advanced)
5. The Covering location problems
6. The Plant location problems

Section 2:
7. The warehouse layout problems (discrete)
8. The warehouse layout problems (Continuous)
9. The quadratic assignment problems (Advanced)

Section 3:
10. Fuzzy approach on location problems
11. Neural Networks application in location problems
12. Other new approaches on location problems

Section 4:
13. The Multi-criteria location problems
14. The location problem Software’s
15. Review on the Layout Problems